Mme Turner March 9-13

Social Studies

This week in Social Studies, we went over the answers from the test on chapter 6 from last week. Marks for this test are in PowerSchool. We also continued studying Democracy in Ancient Athens.

French Language Arts

This week in FLA, we went over the reading comprehension test from last week and marks are in PowerSchool. Students wrote a dictée today, March 13th, and marks are also in PowerSchool.  If you were one of the missing 8 students, you will be expected to write the dictée on Monday March 16th. This week we looked at the difference between à and a as well as on and ont.  Next week we will look at the difference between son and sont as well as ça and sa.

English Language Arts

This week in ELA, students continued reading the book “Holes” and worked on creating a brochure advertising Camp Green Lake.  The marks from last week’s spelling test are posted in PowerSchool. Students wrote a reading comprehension test for Holes chapters 18-28 as well as 29-39.  Marks for both of these tests are posted in PowerSchool.  We went over the answers from chapters 18-28 together and students have their tests in their binders.  We will go over the answers for chapters 29-39 next week.  There will be a spelling test next Thursday. We will also continue our unit study on newspaper articles next week.


Études pour l’examen de Math sur les ANGLES le 17 mars 2020Reconnaitre les différents types d’angles (aigus, obtus, rentrants, plats, droits)Mesurer un angle avec un rapporteurTrouver la quantités d’unités dans un cercle et un demi-cercle (1 unité = 45°)Placer les angles en ordre croissant (du plus petit au plus grand)Tracer et dessiner les anglesConnaitre la somme des angles d’un triangle ou d’un quadrilatère
Nommer les angles     ex :   ABCReconnaitre les différents quadrilatères (carrés, rectangles, losanges, cerfs-volants, parallélogrammes, trapèzes)Problèmes à résoudre avec les anglesCalculer les angles sans rapporteur (par calcul)


This week in Science, students continued studying air and aerodynamics and students wrote a lab report. If you have any extra bread bags at home, could you send them to school with your child? We will need bread bags for upcoming experiments as well as empty plastic pop bottles.


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